We want to ensure we find the right fit for you in Scouting, and knowing more about your interests and skills is definitely helpful. You may already have already completed this section, which is great; but if not we ask you to provide some basic information about yourself so that we can get you setup and registered in our Membership System. This is the Scouts online membership system for adult volunteers.
The majority of volunteers in Scouting also require a disclosure, and we will request this on your behalf free of charge. Your manager or local volunteer lead will help you check your documents and submit your application.
Everyone here is to support you, and you can always ask questions if you are unsure about which documents to use. Don't worry, we've had plenty of practice and are on hand to help.
Our number one priority is keeping people safe, that also includes you. The disclosure is an important part of making safe appointment decisions. It's about making sure that we protect vulnerable groups, only allowing appropriate people to work with them; including young people.
Adult Information Form - online submission